Year 5 2024 - 2025
Miss Bladen
Year 5 teacher
Welcome to Year 5 Spring term
Important Weekly Timetable:
Monday: Hand in homework,
Wednesday: Homework out, PE Day
Thursday: Swimming
Friday: Times tables tests, Reading Records checked
Please look out for School Spider messages for any changes to the timetable.
This half term we have lots of fun learning planned out and we love to see any learning linked to this at home too!
This half term we are focusing on a range of writing styles and grammatical features using the book "Queen of the Falls" to support this.. We will be learning to use a range of punctuation, sentence types and planning structures. In Year 5 we are working really hard on our handwriting, ensuring it is all cursive, and that we’re checking our spelling is the best it can be too.
Shared Reading
In Year 5 we are working really hard on our retrieval and inference skills. We are also learning new skills to answer a range of comprehension style questions in our shared reading sessions.
This half term we are looking at Fractions and Multiplication and Division
Topic – Geography Focus
This half term we are focussing on Geography and North and South America
This half term we’ll be looking at Jesus as a teacher
This half term we are looking at Materials
It’s time to get creative in our street art project
In PE we will develop our Gym skills
In Music we will be learning to play a brass instrument in our lessons with Edsential
This half term we are using the skills we have already developed to look at word processing.
This half term focuses on greetings and simple sentences.
Within Heartsmart we are introducing how to keep our hearts healthy.
Trips –
Look on our homework tab for all home learning links to support your child’s learning.
Files to Download
Year 5: Calendar items
KS2 Weekl.y Swimming (6,5,4 then 3) at the EPSV, by Mrs Barlow
YEAR 5 Music, by Mrs Barlow
KS2 Weekl.y Swimming (6,5,4 then 3) at the EPSV, by Mrs Barlow