Year 6 2024 - 2025
Mrs Hopwood
Year 6
Assistant Head
Mrs Blockley
Year 6 teacher
Welcome to Year 6!
Please look at what we are learning each term using the tabs at the top.
PE will be on a Tuesday (Gym) and Thursday (House of Dance)
Homework will be given out on a Wednesday and should be returned by the following Monday.
You are very welcome to bring in any extra project work that you may do at home to show the class.
RESIDENTIAL - PGL Boreatton Park - February 26th - 28th
SATS week May 12th - 15th
Important Weekly Timetable:
Mrs Blockley Monday - Wednesday and Mrs Hopwood Thursday-Friday
Monday: Hand in homework
Tuesday: Times table test and PE (please come in wearing PE Kit - plain white top, black bottoms, school jumper)
Wednesday: Homework handed out - SATs booklets
Thursday: Reading Record Check and PE (please come in wearing PE Kit - plain white top, black bottoms, school jumper)
Please look out for School Spider messages for any changes to the timetable.
Files to Download
Year 6: Calendar items
KS2 Weekl.y Swimming (6,5,4 then 3) at the EPSV, by Mrs Barlow
KS2 Weekl.y Swimming (6,5,4 then 3) at the EPSV, by Mrs Barlow
KS2 Weekl.y Swimming (6,5,4 then 3) at the EPSV, by Mrs Barlow