Spring Term
Outline of 'What is being Learnt'
Addition and Subtraction (using formal standard written methods)
We will be looking at shape, position and direction and statistics.
During our English lessons we are reading and using the book 'Escape from Pompeii' by Christina Balit. This is based on the real life events of Pompeii and the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. We will be writing the story of Pompeii from a character's point of view. We will be learning to use a variety of verb forms, organise our writing into paragraphs and using punctuation to direct speech.
'Animals including humans'
We will be learning about the Roman Empire and its impact on Britian. We will also learn about Cesear's invasion using the great Roman Army. After half term we will look at Hadrian's Wall, Boudica and the Romanisation of Britain.
Jesus - how do we know he was God's son?
Our PE lessons this half term will be Dance and Hand ball
In Design and Technology we will be learning about bread. We will have the opportunity to taste bread and design and make our own.
In computing the children will learn about 'Online safety' and 'Hardware investigators'.
Heart smart
'Too much selfie isn't healthy'.