Spring term
Spring term - Year 1
This half term we have lots of fun learning planned out and we love to see any learning linked to this at home too!
You can try one of these activities. Choose how to present it e.g. PowerPoint, photos, written, poetry, model, song and bring it in to show us!
- Create a presentation on how Ellesmere Port has changed
- Create a map of your journey to school
- Talk to grandparents about how life was when they were in school. How is that different to now?
This term we are starting our year with a focus on our No Outsiders text, Everybody’s Welcome. We will then be reading books by our author of the term Rachel Bright, with a specific focus on the book The Lion Inside. We will be focusing on:
- Combining words to make sentences
- Leaving spaces between words
- Punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop, some question marks and exclamation marks
- Join words and clauses using and
- Some accurate use of the prefix un-
- Some accurate use of suffixes (where no change is needed to the root of the word) e.g. ed, -ing, -er, -est
- Correct letter formation and handwriting
In Year 1 we are continuing to have daily phonics and we are working really hard on applying our phonics sounds to our reading to make our reading more fluent and expressive. Our phonics screening starts the week commencing 9th June, so please ensure that your child is in school every day.
This term our Maths units are: Geometry, Place Value, Addition & subtraction, Length & Height and Mass and Volume. We will be learning our teen numbers, doubles, grouping and partitioning numbers, measuring length and comparing and measuring mass. We will continue to build on our knowledge of numbers to 20 and beyond.
Topic – Geography and History Focused
We will begin this term we are looking at ‘Boats or Cars?' Within this we will be looking at our local community, with a focus on cars and boats and how they have changed over the years. We will even be making our own canal boat! We will continue to identify human and physical features of our local community. On the Friday 12th January we will be going to The Boat Museum; if you can help by coming with us, please let a member of the Year 1 team know. We will then look at ‘Who are the People who have Changed Our Lives for the Better?’ We will examine the accomplishments of woman like Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale.
This half term we are exploring the ‘Kingdom of God,’ with a focus on the question ‘What did Jesus say about the Kingdom of God?' We will look at the story of The Parable of the Mustard Seed to support this and will even grow some mustard seeds!
In Science we will continue to explore seasonal changes. Our topic focus will be plants. We will investigate what plants need to grow we will even be growing different plants in different conditions to see if anything different happens to them.
Art / DT
Year 1 has an initial DT focus, but in Spring 2 we will be working with clay, in which we will be making tea lights out of clay. We will also look at the work of the artist Tony Lewery as we make our canal boats.
In PE we will be focusing on using our feet unit with a focus on moving a ball with our feet and using big body movements in gymnastics. In Spring 2 we will using our hands with a focus on using beanbags to throw accurately and we will also have forest school. Forest School will take place whatever the weather, even when it is cold and wet. With this in mind, it is important that every child is suitably dressed in warm, waterproof clothing. All children should come to school in their forest school clothes and wellies and bring the following in a named plastic bag:
- School shoes
- A full set of spare clothes
Please ensure that all items are named. We may have to stop children taking part in the activities if we feel that they do not have suitable clothing.
In Music this term we will be starting by ‘introducing tempo and dynamics,’ with a focus on ‘how does music make the world a better place?’ We will then be moving on to ‘combining pulse, rhythm and pitch,’ with a focus on ‘how does music help us to understand our neighbours?’
We will be continuing to independently logon to Purple Mash. We working through the units ‘pictograms,’ and then we will work through the unit on ‘Lego builders.’
Hola! We will be learning Epiphany and then Farm animals and the plant pot story.
Within Heartsmart we are starting with the topic Too Much Selfie Isn’t Healthy,' in which we will focus on how we can show love for others. We will then focus on the topic ‘Don’t Hold on to What’s Wrong,’ discussing the importance of forgiveness.
The Boat Museum: 10th January 2025